Getting Started

Important Details

Pitch your film!

Incorporating attention grabbing information that will catch the eyes of backers is crucial. Videos and pictures are helpful on every occasion with selling the overall image of your creation. Prepare your “Elevator Speech” description that will blow your audience away, have them sticking around for more, and ultimately funding.

Fees and stuff

Campaign Funding!

Fund Any Film is a crowdfunding platform helping film makers bring to life all of their creative ideas. We charge a minimal platform fee and a fee to cover third party payment processing. To see more, check out the pricing page.

The Platform

Help Keep Fund Any Film Afloat!

Do you like helping filmmakers as much as we do? If you said yes, then here is your chance to help the platform, and keep it all moving. With your donation or tip many things can be achieved. Yes, it helps with maintaining the website. However, by doing so you are allowing creators a place to keep building their ideas, grow, and actually accomplish them. Most of all, they are appreciated by our Tech Support team. It will allow them to go home for the night. We will strike a deal with them, and finally release them from their chair. We will also send them home to shower. They haven’t been released in two weeks. They are sick of ramen diet, so please just send your donation (“I beg you.. – Tech Support-“). I think someone is coming… Hurry up and donate… We’ll say it is for the creators… in actuality it’s to buy my freedom for a few hours… I need sleep, and a change of clothes would be nice…. Did we mention that we are a dramatic group here at Fund any Film? Well we are very dramatic. At least part of the time, the rest of the time we are all about business. Regardless, this is our place for platform donations and tips. Feel free to show your support for the website, and know you are appreciated by all of us, and most of all the creators. Yes, we are a fun group, and know that we truly thank you!